2008年10月14日 星期二

notes 61123

Link: http://www.tpml.edu.tw/blind/cgi/dlpic.php?filename=9209016.txt

This article is an interview to two people in this job. Our theme is also to interview them. Paragraph 3 and 4 are very helpful when we ask him (her) has any influence to their life. Paragraph 5, 6 and 10 are also can be some useful resources when we ask him (her) what’s the most unforgettable thing they had experience. And paragraph 7 and 11 can be a referral when we finish the end.


1 則留言:

Chris' Wonderland 提到...

Directly mention what the paragraph says because your readers hope to understand the article from your notes. Besides, you can put your notes directly into the main body when you start writing the thesis.